Guided Inquiry

Who am I at the deepest level is there a fixed or unchanging “me”?

What can Nature teach us about change and life and dying?

All of us are moving towards death, yet we often live disconnected from this truth and therefore miss the value in exploring one’s relationship to dying, death, and life itself.

What dies?

What is born?

And what is unchanging?

Find your Sanctuary

Exploring the Sacred

What is Sacred to you?

At the end life who do you hope to have been and become?

What is at your spiritual depth?

Why is life meaningful to you?

This work helps deepen one’s awareness to their innermost Being and to a larger Whole.

From this place of deep interconnectedness we will explore important questions about your life, unhealed or untended places within and to your spiritual life that is continuously unfolding along side work, family and activities.

This work helps deepen awareness of one’s being and a place within a larger Whole.

This work allows you to uncover your natural, intuitive and personal connection to That which transcends life and death and envelops and imbues all that is living and aware with Life.

What do you call This?

How I Work

From a place of deep grounded intention, we will explore important questions about your life, tend to unhealed or hurting places within and tune into your spiritual life as it is unfolding along side work, family, friends and activities.

About Me